I DID IT! I made the CRAZIEST “knit & feathered” wigs, EVER…HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DR. SEUSS!

I found out last Friday, that this coming week was Dr. Seuss’s Birthday Celebration Week at school. Like all the other parents that day, I arrived at the school to pick-up my kiddos up and was handed a paper, asking for a special “costume” every day this week. Jeez, this was a first for this mama! Made-up holidays, I thought…
Monday: PJ Day
Tuesday: Crazy Hair Day
Wednesday: Inside-Out Day
Friday: Crazy Hat Day
Thursday threw me for a loop! I had to actually access the depths of my brain, to get past the only Seuss character readily available in it: the Lorax (It is Hit #2 in the Arroyo Household, after the Cars Legacy!) Thankfully their paper handout had a silly photocopied picture or two on it, and additional memories came back instantly of the Cat in the Hat and the Things. One Fish, Two Fish was always a childhood favorite for me, as was Green Eggs and Ham, but back on track…Oh Thursday, what do I do for you, and at such short notice?!
The answer seemed simple enough. My children are Things 1 & 2. Up to tandem chaos at every turn. So, now, what do I do? We don’t have red onesies! And blue hair? Or the money to waste on buying this silly stuff for one day…So, into my YARN ABYSS I dared to go, looking as I do for inspiration. I found it, as I usually do: I would knit them hats. But how would I make these hats, original?

A trip to the craft store that following Tuesday, supplied what I hoped to find: the perfect blue, crazy feather boas and much to my surprise, at a DISCOUNT! I knew this was my answer, I just had no idea how to make it work yet! My idea, worked–All I did was wrap the boa around the hat, taking a piece of the yarn and tying it to the knit loops of the hat, as I went! You only really need to tie every couple inches–There was no set rule to my madness. These wigs would be AWESOME for any crazy wig needed. The yarn doesn’t really matter, because you really don’t see it, but I would recommend coordinating it with the boa colors.

I also wanted to make the kids red t-shirts. This actually was a harder task than finding the perfect blue feathers, as everyone seemed out of them! I did find two clearance shirts of different styles but the same color red, in sizes that would fit my kiddos. The search paid off and this was a BONUS, as they were really cheap! Additionally, I bought 2 sheets each, white felt and black felt, and some fabric glue. As of this post, I haven’t attached the patches to the shirts, as they are drying, but even just temporarily for the day, safety pinning them on in a pinch will work. The felt patch is fairly sturdy and fray-proof. I searched “thing 1 and 2” online and found images of their belly logos. I adjusted the sizing of the image as a pattern back-up in case I wanted to make paper patterns, but I used them in the end to just direct/ inspire me as I freehanded the shapes. The great thing about Seuss is that his illustrations were never complexly drawn, or perfect. Basic handwriting was often used as well, as was the case with the Thing logos. This made free-handing the cut-out letters a bit easier to wing. WHO would ever know that they weren’t perfect? I think they turned out, beautifully!

#mamachickpea #drseuss #drseussweek #momproblems #crafty #diy #knitting
#mamachickpea #liveloveart
Shelly Arroyo, A.k.a. Mama Chickpea
When she’s not doing homework or making yet another cheese sandwich, Shelly loves doing arts & crafts, watching endless cartoons, playing with her pups, and cuddling with her minions. Like any 24/7 mom, she cherishes her brief gym time, and her daily shower in peace. Art has always been her escape from the insanity of life, and is often the inspiration behind many of her illustrations.
#mamachickpea #crafty #supermom #inspiration