MAMA CHICKPEA’S CULTURE March 27, 2023 | MAMA CHICKPEA, ILLUSTRATION INSPIRATION HER CULTURE Living in many places throughout her life, Shelly has compiled…
MAMA CHICKPEA’S CULTURE March 27, 2023 | MAMA CHICKPEA, ILLUSTRATION INSPIRATION HER CULTURE Living in many places throughout her life, Shelly has compiled…
MAMA CHICKPEA’S CREW March 06, 2023 | MAMA CHICKPEA Her first-born, Max, is a fierce computer nerd, with a love of all things…
MAMA CHICKPEA STUDIOS February 28, 2023 | MAMA CHICKPEA In 2006, after many years in art show circuits in NE Ohio and Western…
THE FIBER & CLAY YEARS February 21, 2023 | MAMA CHICKPEA As an adult, Shelly dabbled in various projects such as soft sculpture…
MARKER & PENCIL February 14, 2023 | MAMA CHICKPEA Shelly’s first artistic passion was credited to her love of drawing. Sketching anything beautiful…
MAMA CHICKPEA’S HOBBIES…WELL, THE SHORT LIST February 7, 2023 | MAMA CHICKPEA Over the years, Mama Chickpea’s list of hobbies has been extensive.…
ALL YOU NEED IS A VISION April 7, 2021 | ILLUSTRATION INSPIRATION This is what I love about art: taking something ordinary, randomly destroying it by doing…
OH, THE PLACES YOU’LL GO…IN YOUR ART! May 27, 2019 | MOM PROBLEMS End of year teacher thank you’s are something I love…
ADVENTURES OF A MAMA PEA September 4, 2017 | MAMA CHICKPEA SoOooooOOoooo, how better to explain the chaos that is your casa, than…
WALL DECAL ART March 16, 2015 | ILLUSTRATION INSPIRATION Who says everyone can’t have a Picasso moment?! MONKEY SEE, MONKEY DO?? RIGHT? When I…